
Oc. Christian dos Santos Ferreira


Allgemeine Geologie - Marine Geologie


+49 421 218-65058


+49 421 218-65099



GEO, 1040

Christian dos Santos Ferreira

Short CV

2009-nowCo-worker at MARUM in the Marine Geology Group
2012Participated at the 60th Multibeam Sonar Training Course with John Hughes Clarck, Larry Mayer, Tom Weber and Dave Wells. Amsterdam, 19th to 24th of November
2011-nowCo-developer of MB-System (with tools for parallel computing, software testing, documentation and support)
2008-2009Co-worker at IFM-Geomar (Germany), Projects SDNS and SBF 754
2006-2007Consulting jobs at some universities and private companies
2004-2005Master degree in Oceanography, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (Brazil)
2004-nowProject leader of Poseidon Linux
2000-2003Co-worker at the Hydroacoustics Lab, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (Brazil)
2000Graduated as Oceanographer at Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (Brazil)
1974Born at Rio Grande/Brazil