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MARUM-MeBo200 Operational requirements

Vessel requirements

MeBo200 was designed to be deployed from larger multipurpose research vessels like RV SONNE or RV METEOR. Typically the drill rig is deployed over the stern using a launch and recovery system (LARS), a lift umbilical winch with a steel armoured umbilical (35.5 mm outer diameter) and an overboard sheave (all belonging to the MeBo-system) attached to the vessels A-Frame.Deck space of 18 x 4.7m in line of the A-frame is needed for installation of the LARS and winch. In addition 4 containers (control, workshop, drill tools and aggregates) have to be installed nearby on the working deck

The ability of the vessel to pick up the loads that may occur during deployment as well on deck have to be checked for each vessel. Line loads of up to 30 t may occur, depending on sea state and deployment depth. Power (400V, 50hz, about 500A) to run the electrohydraulic systems of drill rig.winch, LARS and containers have to be provided by the vessel or by an additional power aggregate. A single deployment may last for more than two days. During this time the vessel has to keep station within a navigation radius of typically 10 to 40 m depending on sea state and deployment depth.

Installation aboard RV SONNE


The MeBo200 system is containerised for enabling world wide operation on vessel of opportunity. The entire system is shipped in seven 20' ISO container. Cranage capacity for containers with a weight of up to 31 t is as well as fork lifter (5 t) support is required for loading the equipment on board. Depending on the planned work program additional transport containers might be needed for equipment and consumables for core curation.


Mobilisation requires typically four days in the harbour. Two days are required for loading and installation of the Launch and Recovery System, lift umbilical winch, block and support containers. The third day is required for connections and installations on the MeBo. Mobilisation is concluded by a harbour test on the fourth day. Final installation works, system checks and loading of the magazins can be done during transit and will require an additional day. One day on sea and two days in harbour are needed for demobilisation.