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Visual core description is done on the archive half after non-destructive physical properties, color reflectance, linescan images have been carried out.

Smear slides of unconsolidated material and thin sections of "hard rocks" are prepared to document the lithology of recovered material and to aid in core description. Primarily, they are made from all representative lithologies, and also from special or unique layers of particular interest. Thus, the number of smear slides (or thin sections) produced is a function of the homogeneity of the sedimentary section.

- for smear slide preparation see Micropaleontology -
- IODP Smear Slide Digital Reference for Sediment Analysis Part 1: Methodology and Atlas of Siliciclastic and Volcanogenic Components, IODP Technical Note 1
Scientists visual core description
Visual Core Description during OSP of Exp. 364 (Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater), aided by CoreWall system (right photo). Both photos: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]_IODP

Visual Core Descriptions (VCDs) are entered into the mobile Drilling Information System (mDIS) using the Lithology input form:

mDIS Lithology input form on IODP Expedition 389 (Hawaiian Drowned Reefs)
Original handwritten visual core description of M0077A, core 95R, section 3.

Lithostratigraphic summary of M0077A, Upper Peak Ring interval, generated using the DIS lithology inputs:

Lithologic summary of Upper Peak Ring interval in M0077A (IODP Exp. 364 - Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater)
Figure F1 in Chapter "Site M0077: Upper Peak Ring" of Morgan, J., Gulick, S., Mellett, C.L., Green, S.L., and the Expedition 364 Scientists, 2017. Chicxulub: Drilling the K-Pg Impact Crater. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 364: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). https://doi.org/10.14379/iodp.proc.364.2017