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The ecology of natural vs. artificial hard substrata in marine coastal environments: Substrate characteristics as facilitator of settlement and community stability

Searching for spores of Laminara on Helgoland, Lydia Kohlmorgen & Susanne Coers

Artificial hard substrata are colonized by specialized hard-bottom biota consisting of diverse macroalgae and associated invertebrates. As the significance of artificial vs. natural hard substrata is largely unexplored the aim of this project is to define how differences in hard substrate (natural vs artificial substrate) influence settlement and community stability in macroalgae and invertebrates.

The project addresses in particular to the following objectives:
  1. To characterise how natural vs. artificial substrates affect the establishment of benthic communities
    a. By spore settlement experiments on artificial materials in separated tanks (uni vs mixed algae designs)
    b. By the exposition of sets of artificial materials in different areas of the southern North Sea (JadeWeserPort/Helgoland) and the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand (TaurangaHarbour-ButtersWharf/Motiti island), comparing on and offshore areas, as well as areas of high anthropogenic impact to areas with low anthropogenic impact
    c. By observing benthic communities in a field of natural marine hard substrate in the southern North Sea (Hydroacoustics and video analysis Helgoländer Steingrund) cooperation project IC26
  2. To quantify key roles of natural vs. artificial substrates with respect to production and ecosystem services
  3. To analyse the significance of artificial substrates as stepping stones for biological invaders
For further information on the different parts of the project feel free to contact Lydia Kohlmorgen
Proponents:Prof. Dr. Kai BischofUniversity of Bremen
PD Dr. Ingrid KrönckeSenckenberg Institut, Wilhelmshaven
Prof. Dr. Conrad PilditchUniversity of Waikato
Prof. Chris BattershillUniversity of Waikato
PhD Candidate:Lydia KohlmorgenUniversity of Bremen