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Political ecology of coastal infrastructures

The dissertation project wants to examine the societal and institutional dynamics connected to the development of coastal infrastructure, considering recent changes as well as looking back on underlying historical events. As the development of infrastructural projects is often contested, a special focus lies on participation and protest. Based on the assumption that specific infrastructures are the outcome of and therefore represent specific human-nature-relations, the role of these relations shall be investigated.

The overarching framework of the project is a political ecology perspective. The dissertation will combine reviews of theoretical and empirical literature with empirical case studies. A set of qualitative methods is used to answer the research questions, including discourse analysis and interviews, complemented by archival work (document and photo analysis). The development of coastal infrastructures will be examined in greater depth using case studies in Germany and New Zealand.
Proponents:Prof. Dr. Michael FlitnerUniversity of Bremen
Dr. John R. CampbellUniversity of Waikato
PhD Candidate:Mara Kim OrtUniversity of Bremen


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