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NameFedder, Bevis Dr.
StatusAlumni (Postdoc)
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Curriculum Vitae

03/12 - 03/14PostDoctoral Research Fellow at INTERCOAST, Uni Bremen, Germany
02/13 - 05/13Intern at the Environmental Defence Society, Auckland, New Zealand
05/11 - 07/11Intern at German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
11/08 - 02/12PhD student at GLOMAR (Global Change in the Marine Realm), Uni Bremen (PhD conclusion: December '11)
01/08 - 10/08 Graduate assistant at the Research Centre for European Environmental Law, Uni Bremen
10/07 - 10/08General studies of law (environmental law, world trade law, intellectual property law, international law, European law)
10/05 - 10/07M.Sc. student at University of Bremen. Thesis work at Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific - International, Suva, Fiji Islands


B. Fedder, “Biological databases for marine organisms: What they contain and how they can be used in ABS contexts” in Common pools of genetic resources. Equity and innovation in international biodiversity law, eds. E.C. Kamau and G. Winter (London: Earthscan, 2013)

B. Fedder, Marine genetic resources, access and benefit sharing. Legal and biological aspects (London: Earthscan, 2013)

B. Fedder, “Biologische Datenbanken als Instrument für ein verbessertes Nutzungsregime von meeresgenetischen Ressourcen” (Bonn: BfN Skript 309, 2012): 77-82

E.C. Kamau, B. Fedder, and G. Winter, "The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing: What is new and what are the implications for provider and user countries and the scientific community,” 6 Law, Environment, and Development Journal 3 (2010): 248–262

B. Fedder and A. Schmeichel, “5. Bremer Umweltrechtsgespräche: Klimaschutzrecht im Wandel,” 4 Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (2010): 218–220 (in german)

B. Fedder, "Globale marine Biodiversitätsindikatoren für das neue Allokationssystem (RAF) der globalen Umweltfazilität,“ (Bonn: BfN Skript 243, 2008), pp. 53–56 (in german)

B. Fedder, "Assessment of global marine biodiversity indicators for the Global Environment Facility Resource Allocation Framework (GEF RAF),” Policy paper for the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (2007)