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Etnologist of the University of Bremen awarded:Dr. Silja Klepp’s research on refugee rights in the Mediterranean area was awarded the advancement award of the Research Academy Leipzig

„The European Union between border control and refugee safety. A geography of refugee rights in the Mediterranean sea” is the title of the recently awarded dissertation. In view of the disputed EU-external borders as well as the unclearly defined refugee rights at sea many victims have been among the refugees in the last years. The ethnologist has been working on this subject on a political and academic level for 10 years now. She spent many months in Italy, Malta and Libya researching for her dissertation under partly difficult conditions and interviewed the responsible persons locally in order to establish a clear picture of the situation in the Mediterranean area.

She has been awarded the advancement award of the Research Academy Leipzig 2010, which is annually awarded for outstanding work from the three graduate centres mathematics/information technology and natural sciences, life sciences as well as humanities and social sciences with more than 550 doctorates. Only one dissertation is awarded a prize.

At present Dr. Klepp is working at the artec, Research Center for Sustainability Studies at the University of Bremen and the international graduate school INTERCOAST (Integrated Coastal Zone and Shelf-Sea Research). Her current research deals with the subject of climate change and mobility in the pacific region where she especially concentrates on the effects of climate change on the lives of the residents as well as the rights of environmentally induced migrants.