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NameHarrison, Shawn Dr.
StatusAlumni (PhD Candidate)
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Waikato
Phone0064 7 838 4239

Project IC15_NZ - Modelling sediment exchange around ebb-tide deltas

Ebb-Tide Deltas (ETDs) are complex, highly dynamic, morphologic components of the coastline. ETDs serve an active role in the littoral system by providing a mechanism for sediment to bypass tidal inlets. Also, ETDs dissipate wave energy offshore from inlets and redirect waves onto nearby beaches.

Curriculum Vitae

2011-CurrentPhD Candidate, INTERCOAST, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand & Universität Bremen, Bremen, Deutschland
2001-2003MSc, Applied Mathematics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Math Biology: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
1998-2001BSc, Mathematics, physics: Westminster College, Salt Lake City, USA
2005-2010ASR Ltd - Coastal Scientist: Numerical modelling, software development, physical oceanography (www.asrltd.com)
2008 & 2009Waikato University - Lecturer for graduate-level Oceanographic modelling course
2003-2005Metabolics Lab: Peter Lobie, The Liggins Institute, University of Auckland; Tissue culture, transfection, plasmid cloning and purification, RT-PCR, Western blots
My current research works towards understanding the control of storm events on ebb-tidal deltas (ETDs). ETDs are a characteristic of the entrances to many estuaries and pose a navigation hazard to people entering and leaving harbours. The natural dynamics of ETDs provide a large scale example of a self-organised coherent structure common in many natural systems.

As a Coastal Scientist over the past 7 years, I had the opportunity to work on a wide range variety of coastal projects throughout the world. On most projects I served a significant role. I have experience gathering and analysing data, developing and tuning numerical models to accurately represent observed phenomena, and developing new software tools for both in-house and commercial use. I had the opportunity to develop hydrodynamic models of Raglan Harbour for research purposes. Many interests were investigated using these models including tidal circulation, river inflows, wave action on the ebb-tidal delta, effluent release impacts, and more.

Field work experiences include calibrating, deploying, retrieving and accessing recorded data for many types of instrumentation. These include pressure sensors, salinity and temperature gauges, sediment grain-size analysers, turbidity sensors, sediment traps, a cone bottom-penetrometer, RTK-GPS, Cam-Era photogrammetry system, and the old fashioned meter-stick. I am well experienced at piloting boats in still and rough coastal waters. I can SCUBA dive. I have conducted multiple bathymetric surveys of harbour channels, inlets, and deltas. Also I have participated in studies where we deployed current meters, pressure sensors to measure waves in high-energy coastal locations, and setup cameras to monitor the shifting sandbars at an ebb-tidal delta.

Sharing knowledge and my passion for coastal systems, I have participated in discussions with interested communities, stake holders, and fellow researchers. I am a community-minded person. The ability to clearly communicate information and ideas in a simple manner is a goal towards which I continually strive.


Recent Papers:

Stark, N., Greer, D., Phillips, D., Borrero, J., Harrison, S., Kopf, A. (in press) In-situ geotechnical investigation of sediment dynamics over ‘The Bar’, Raglan, New Zealand. AGU 2010. MARUM, Bremen, Germany.

Oldman, J., Harrison, S., and Mead, S. (2009). Whitianga Outfall – Viral Fate Modelling Technical report prepared for Opus. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. October, 2009.

Oldman, J., Harrison, S., and Borrero, J. (2009). The Wonthaggi Drums - Environmental Forensics: Simulating Met-Ocean Conditions and Trajectories related to Marine Waste Beachings, May 2009. Report prepared for EPA Victoria. September, 2009.

Frazerhurst, J., Borrero, J., Mead, S., Harrison, S. (2009) Tidal and Wave Energy Resource Study – Victoria Prepared for GHD Services Pty Ltd. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. July, 2009.

Greer D., Black K.P., Harrison S., Bosserelle C. (2008) South-East Australia (SEA) Hydrodynamic Model: Calibration and Validation. Prepared for GHD and DSE. ASR Ltd, P.O. Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand.

Harrison S., Black K.P., Greer D. (2007) Description of the Bass Strait Physical and Geological Marine Environment. Prepared for GHD and DSE. ASR Ltd, P.O. Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand.

Harrison S., Borrero J.C., Black K.P. (2008a) Extreme Water Levels at the Powlett River Mouth. Prepared for GHD and DSE. ASR Ltd, P.O. Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand.

Harrison S., Lebreton L., Black K.P. (2008b) Local Fine-resolution Model: Calibration and Validation. Prepared for GHD and DSE. ASR Ltd, P.O. Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand.

Harrison S., Greer, D. Black K.P. (2008c) Volume Fluxes and Flushing around Bass Strait. Prepared for GHD and DSE. ASR Ltd, P.O. Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand.

Black, K.P., Harrison, S.R., Greer, S.D., Borrero, J.C. and Bosserelle, C.D. (2007). Numerical Modelling of Desalination Plant discharges in Port Phillip and Western Port Bays. Technical report prepared for GHD Services Pty Ltd. © ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. June, 2007.

Harrison, S.R., Black, K.P., and Greer, S.D. (2007). Description of the Bass Strait Physical and Geological Marine Environment. Consultancy report prepared for GHD Services Pty Ltd. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. November, 2007.

Harrison, S.R., Black, K.P. and Bosserelle C.D. (2007). Port Phillip Bay Lagrangian Dispersal Modelling. Technical report prepared for EPA Victoria, No. 2007-54. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. May, 2007.

Bosserelle, C.D., Black K.P. and Harrison, S.R. (2007). Port Phillip Bay Primary Production and Nutrient Dynamical Modelling. Technical report prepared for EPA Victoria, No. 2007-009. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. February, 2007.

Harrison, S.R., Black, K.P. and Bosserelle C.D. (2007). Port Phillip Bay and Westernport Bay Hydrodynamic Model. Technical report prepared for EPA Victoria, No. 2007-15. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. February, 2007.

Mead, S.T., Black, K.P., Harrison, S.R., Bosserelle, C.D. and Frazerhurst, J. (2007). Kaipara Harbour Numerical Model: Calibration, Tidal Range Simulation and Residual Currents. Technical report for CREST Energy Ltd., No. 2007-3746. ASR Ltd, PO Box 67, Raglan, New Zealand. February, 2007.

Black, K., van der Hout, A. and Harrison, S. (2005). Trajectory Spill Modelling for Contingency Planning: Masela North-East Block, Indonesia. Technical report prepared for INPEX Masela Ltd. © PT Hotplanet and ASR Ltd, 2005.

Recent Presentations:

Harrison, S., Borrero, J.C., Klinginger, C., Mead, S.T., and Phillips, D.J. (2009). Hydrodynamic Modelling of Whaingaroa Harbour Paper and presentation delivered at Coasts & Ports 2009 conference in Wellington, New Zealand.

Harrison, S., Lee, R. and Black, K. (2007). An integrated catchment and receiving model for Port Phillip Bay and Western Port to address pressing environmental concerns. Paper and presentation delivered at Coasts & Ports 2007 conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Lee, R., Martinez, G., Harrison, S., Bosserelle, C. and Black, K. (2007). Examining patterns of climatic variance and trend in Port Phillip Bay, Poster presentation at Greenhouse 2007 Conference. Sydney, Australia.

Harrison, S., Lee, R., Bosserelle, C. and Black, K. (2007). Using integrated catchment and receiving water quality models for
addressing environmental concerns, Presentation at New Zealand Coastal Society Conference, 2007. Tauranga, New Zealand.