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NameHarris, Rachel Dr.
StatusAlumni (PhD Candidate)
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InstitutionUniversity of Waiakto

Project IC16_NZ - The Effects of Biotic Interactions on Intertidal Sediment Stability

Sediment stability (i.e. potential for sediment entrainment or deposition) can be calculated using the physical properties of the sediment (grain size, shape density) and water (velocity, force and density) via the Shields parameter. When combined with wave and atmospheric information this kind of calculation is useful to sediment transport models. However, these calculations often exclude biological processes and cohesion properties that can have a considerable impact on sediments (see Black et al. 2002 for a review of cohesive sediments).

Curriculum Vitae

2006-2008Master of Science in Marine Environmental Sciences at Florida Atlantic University (USA)
2001-2005Certification (minor) Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University (USA)
2001-2005Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Florida Atlantic University (USA)


Harris, R. J., Milbrandt, E. C., Everham, E. M., and Bovard, B. D. 2010. The Effects of Tidal Flushing on Mangrove Structure and Function Across a Disturbance Gradient. Estuaries and Coasts 33(5): 1176-1185.