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NameDr. phil. Gesing, Friederike
StatusAlumni (PhD Candidate)
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InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AddressZenTraClim / artec Sustainability Research Center
28359 Bremen
Phone0049 (0)421 218 61812
Office NumberSFG 2310

Project IC13_I: Working with Nature - an ethnography of soft coastal protection in Aotearoa, New Zealand

The research project analyzes discourses and practices of so-called soft coastal protection in Aotearoa New Zealand. With recent policy and planning instruments discouraging the use of hard protection measures (e.g. the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010), and a growing number of coastal experts promoting a paradigm shift in coastal protection, a new socio-technical imaginary (Jasanoff 2010) is emerging in New Zealand.

Curriculum Vitae

Since April 2014Research associate at the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research, University of Bremen
June 2013-December 2013Research associate at the artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen
September 2012-May 2013Visiting research fellow at the Science, Technology and Society Program, Harvard University
Since November 2009PhD student INTERCOAST 13: „Flood Risk Management and adaptation to climate change: ‚deep institutional change’ or just ‘policy talk’?”
StudiesEuropean Ethnology/Social Anthropology and Gender Studies at Humboldt-University Berlin and University of Sussex, UK
Work experience (i. a.)genanet, focal point gender – environment – sustainability, Berlin
Humboldt-University Berlin, Chair for Public Law and Gender Studies
5th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
Internships (i. a.)Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Green Party) NRW, Düsseldorf
Ravensbrück Memorial and Museum, Fürstenberg/Havel


Gesing, F. (2016), Working with Nature in Aotearoa New Zealand: An Ethnography of Coastal Protection,
356 pp., Transcript.