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NameCapperucci, Ruggero
StatusPhD Candidate
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InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AddressForschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Südstrand 40
26382 Wilhelmshaven
Phone0049 (0)4421 9475 212

Project IC5_I - Habitat dynamics in response to constructional impacts (Jade-Weser-Port, Germany - Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand): the geological approach

In recent years, environmental case studies of highly impacted coastal areas have become more relevant for understanding both short- and long-term human impact on the geo- and biosphere and to predict the effects of such pressures on the ecosystem (Winter and Bartholomä, 2006; van der Veen and Hulscher, 2008). In fact, most human activities – i.e. fisheries, sea-food farming, coastal construction, dredging and dumping operations – are continuously increasing the socio-economic disturbance of such a vulnerable environment (OSPAR, 2009).

Curriculum Vitae

Postgraduate experience
Since Dec 2009PhD student, University of Bremen and University of Waikato (NZ)
INTERCOAST International Graduate College
01/04/2008 – 30/11/2009Post Graduate fellow at CNR – IGAG (National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering): processing and integrated interpretation of Multibeam, Side Scan Sonar and HR Reflection Seismic data within the MaGIC Project (www.magicproject.it). Person responsible for the Infor.mare work package. Grant renewed until 31/03/2010.
03/2008 – 07/2008Co-supervisor in a Natural Science B.Sc. Thesis: CARFAGNA S., Definition of a methodology and quality classification of an acquisition and georeferencing process of geological cartography of marine areas, supervisor Prof. Dr. F.L. Chiocci, Sapienza University of Rome, 2007/2008.
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma (Italy)
02-03/2008Processing of side scan sonar data within the project “Seismic prospecting and sediment core sampling of the sea floor offshore the Tuscan coast for detecting and estimating the extraction capabilities of sand and gravel marine quarries to be used for coastal defence.
CoNISMa (National Interuniversity Consortium For Marine Sciences)
2007-2010Participation to oceanographic surveys (cores sampling; sedimentological and biological sampling; multibeam, side-scan sonar, seismic, video and photo data collecting). Data processing and interpretation. Reports writing.
Participation to several National and International Conferences.
2007Geological Science M.Sc. (Hons)
I experimental thesis title: Sparker, Sub-bottom profiler, Side Scan Sonar and Multibeam data processing and interpreting around the Punta Alice promontory (Calabrian coast, Southern Italy).
II experimental thesis title: Physical characterization of Fucino soil (Central Italy).
III compiled thesis title: Chirality of the Amphistegina Genus.
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma (Italy)

Publications (peer-reviewed)

Gutperlet R, Capperucci RM, Bartholomä A, Kröncke I (2017) Relationships
between spatial patterns of macrofauna communities, sediments and hydroacoustic backscatter data in a highly heterogeneous and anthropogenic altered environment. Journal of Sea Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2017.01.005

Holler P, Markert E, Bartholomä A, Capperucci R, Hass HC, Kröncke I,
Mielck F, Reimers HC (2016) Tools to evaluate seafloor integrity: comparison of multi-deviceacoustic seafloor classifications for benthic macrofauna-drivenpatterns in the German Bight, southern North Sea , Geo-Marine Letters.
doi:10.1007/s00367-016-0488-9, hdl:10013/epic.49289

Gutperlet, R, Capperucci, RM, Bartholomä, A and Kröncke, I (2015) Benthic biodiversity changes in response to dredging activities during the construction of a deep-water port. Marine Biodiversity, 45(4). 819-839. doi:10.1007/s12526-014-0298-0