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NameSandy Boehnert
StatusPhD Candidate
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen - MARUM
AddressLeobener Straße
28359 Bremen
Office no.MARUM II / 3150
Phone0049 421 218 65658

Project IC 22 - Anthropogenic impact on the development of coastal marine ecosystems through the last millennium: comparing presumably high (German Bight) with low impact (Coromandel peninsula, NZ) regions

Focusing on sedimentary archives largely from New Zealand’s North Island (i.e. around the Coromandel peninsula) but also from the German Bight, this project aims to decipher the long-term development of the coastal marine ecosystems in both regions through the last millennium. Whereas both regions faced similar climate variations (including e.g., the Little Ice Age and the 20th century warming), the German North Sea coast experienced continuously increasing and recently accelerating human impacts, whereas in New Zealand the human impact increased stepwise due to two major settlement events (arrivals of the Polynesians ~700 years ago and of the Europeans ~250 years ago). The knowledge to be generated will provide a framework allowing a better assessment of the baseline on which future developments might impact. The project will be based on – partly existing and partly to be newly collected – high-resolution sedimentary records that will be analysed by a variety of methods (stratigraphy, XRF, sedimentology, organic and anorganic geochemistry and others). Thereby, human impacts as well as changing natural forcings will be considered and environmental signals such as land use changes, eutrophication, pollution, hydrography (temperature, salinity), precipitation, and sediment provenance will be traced back in time.

Curriculum Vitae

10/2004 - 03/2011TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany -
Diplom Geology/Palaeontology