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NameBiondo, Manuela
StatusPhD Candidate
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AddressSüdstrand 40
D‐26382 Wilhelmshaven
Phone0049 (0) 4421 9475 218

Project IC5_II - Trends of habitat patchiness in acoustic seafloor classification data

The building of marine infrastructures, land reclamation, capital and maintenance dredging cause significant changes in hydrodynamic and sedimentary regimes that often lead to modification or loss of habitat in coastal marine areas. This is particularly true for tidal environments where tidal and wave processes govern the delicate erosion-deposition equilibrium.

Curriculum Vitae

09/2009-09/2011Laurea Magistrale (2nd degree Master Level) in Marine Sciences, University of Rome, “La Sapienza”.
10/2004–10/2005Master of Sciences (MSc) in Aquatic Resources Management, Kings College, London.
09/2000-07/2003Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in Marine Sciences, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton.
Work Experience
03/2012–08/2012IGAG-CNR, Rome, Italy - Research grant – Project: “MaGIC Project, an integrated research project for acquiring high-resolution morpho-bathymetry and producing geohazard maps of the continental margins of Italy.
02/2008–09/2008SARAS Research & Technologies (SARTEC) - Macchiareddu, Cagliari, Italy. Project: “Risk Analysis of the use of chemical dispersants during oil spill emergency response plans in the port area of the SARAS’ refinery”.
04/2006–02/2008SARAS Research & Technologies (SARTEC) - Macchiareddu, Cagliari, Italy. Project: “Environmental Control and Territorial Management of the Gulf of Cagliari” funded by the Ministry of the Environment“.
04/2005-09/2005Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London, UK (MSc Placement). Project: “Implications deriving from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in port areas for the navigation sector and port authorities”.


Biondo, M, Bartholomä, A (2017) A multivariate analytical method to characterize sediment attributes from high-frequency acoustic backscatter and ground-truthing data (Jade Bay, German North Sea coast). Continental Shelf Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2016.12.011