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The 7th Annual INTERCOAST Workshop took place in New Zealand

7th IC Workshop

Nau mai, haere mai". This is maori for "Welcome to New Zealand".
At present the 7th INTERCOAST Workshop is taking place in Tauranga, New Zealand
(15th to 26th February 2016).

The Workshop startet at the TYPC (Tauranga Yacht and Powerboat Club) with greeting words from Prof. Chris Battershill (University of Waikato), Caine Taiapa (MTA), Dr. Thomas Henzschel (German Embassy), Prof. Katrin Huhn-Frehers and Prof. Gerold Wefer (MARUM); followed by different presentations from Prof. David Schiel (University of Canterbury), Prof. Conrad Pilditch (University of Waikato), Rob Donald (University of Waikato) and Prof. Al Gillespie (University of Waikato). Additionally Caine Taiapa gave an insight about the aims and objectives of the Maori organisation Manaaki Taha Moana: Enhancing Coastal Ecosystems for Iwi (MTM).

From Tuesday on scientists from the Universities of Waikato and Bremen have been presenting their projects and sharing their experiences, i.e. discussing recent results as well as all future steps that will be taken.


The 6th Annual INTERCOAST Workshop

6th IC Workshop

The 6th Annual INTERCOAST Workshop is currently taking place in Bremen (7th to 18th September 2015)

Scientists from New Zealand as well as from Germany come together, reflect on their INTERCOAST research project and share their experiences.

Please find here the workshop programme regarding the first week:

The 5th Annual INTERCOAST Workshop took place in Bremen, Germany

The 5th annual INTERCOAST workshop (16th to 27th June 2014) provided an opportunity for project leaders (supervisors) and PhD students alike to come together to reflect on past, present, and future research in the framework of the INTERCOAST programme. Find more information here:

The 4th Annual INTERCOAST Workshop took place in Hamilton, New Zealand

The 2013 INTERCOAST workshop convened successfully from the 18th to 28th February, 2013, at institutions located in Tauranga and Hamilton in New Zealand. The annual INTERCOAST workshop provided an opportunity for 21 PhD students, their respective project leaders (supervisors), and Post-Docs from Germany and New Zealand alike to come together and reflect on past and present research efforts, and to develop new research ideas and projects in the framework of the INTERCOAST programme. The workshop commenced with a welcoming ceremony at the scenic and inspiring Sulphur Point in Tauranga Harbour, where welcoming speeches were given by Maori representatives, the German ambassador to New Zealand and New Zealand government officials, while the main body of the workshop was held at the University of Waikato campuses in Hamilton and Tauranga.

INTERCOAST 3rd annual Workshop

The much anticipated annual INTERCOAST workshop was successfully held from June 16 – June 23, 2012, at the MARUM Institute of University of Bremen in Germany. The annual IC workshops provide an opportunity for project leaders (supervisors) and PhD students alike to come together to reflect on past, present, and future research in the framework of the INTERCOAST programme.

INTERCOAST 2nd annual Workshop

Development impact and environmental changes - introduction to the situation in the German Bight, North Sea

INTERCOAST 1st annual Workshop

Around 30 delegations consist of 13 PhD students, 2 Postdocs, several Proponents and Associate Professors from the University of Bremen flew to New Zealand to attend The First Annual Workshop of the INTERCOAST Project on 9 to 18 February 2010. The kickoff workshop has successfully held at the University of Waikato campus in Hamilton and the Port of Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.