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International Research Training Group ArcTrain

Associated Alumni

Myriel Horn

Institution : AWI
Project: Freshwater variability of the subpolar North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean

In my Masters I studied Marine Environmental Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and focused on physics and modeling. I wrote my thesis about frontal analyses in the shelf region of the western North Atlantic in the Oceanography Group of the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen. Joining ArcTrain gives me the opportunity to exchange ideas with a group of people from different nations and different research fields from which I hopefully will learn a lot.

Wei Leng

Institution : University of Bremen
Project: Late Quaternary NW Atlantic paleoceanography from magneto- and lithostratigraphic records off Newfoundland

Hi! Coming from China, I finished my master program “marine geology” at Tongji University. Through my master study, I learned much about the paleoceanography and sedimentology and in my master thesis, I combined the traditional sedimentology with stratigraphy to reconstruct the evolution of the Yangtze delta. I find it interesting to combine different methods across disciplines for marine research. So I come here to learn a new method: paleomagnetism. Joining ArcTrain will also help me to broaden my horizons of interdisciplinarity as well as offering the chance of international exchange. Now my initial research goals are to establish consistent high-resolution chronologies for the NW Atlantic-Labrador Sea sediment records using magnetostratigraphic and core logging methods.