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Zonneveld, K.A.F. and Pospelova V. (2015). A determination key for modern dinoflagellate cysts. Palynology 39 (3), 387- 409.


Choose your cyst type

aculeate processes
process base circular
smooth to finely
granulate wall
split archeopyle
Echinidinium aculeatum +
acuminate processes
circular process base
smooth wall
split archeopyle
Echinidinium delicatum +
acuminate processes
process tips can have spinulae
processes can be reduced in size
circular process base
granulate wall
split archeopyle
Echinidinium granulatum +
capitate processes
process base circular
smooth to finely granulate wall
small archeopyle
small central body < 37
cyst of Archaeperidinium minutum +
capitate processes
process base circular
large archeopyle
large cyst body > 37
cyst of Archaeperidinium saanichi +
processes distally flattened
processes arranged in clusters
proces base circular
cyst wall smooth to finely granulate
cyst of Protoperidinium fukuyoi +
acuminate processes
processes of same length but different width
process base circular
processes have few striae at basis
wall smooth to granular
cyst of ... +