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Modern Dinocyst Key

Echinidinium zonneveldii

Zonneveld, K.A.F. and Pospelova V. (2015). A determination key for modern dinoflagellate cysts. Palynology 39 (3), 387- 409.

lateral view
location: Golf of taranto (Eastern Mediterranean)
Roman Warm Period (-10 - 10 years AD)
photographs: Karin Zonneveld
cross section
cross section 2

Field characteristics

Echinidinium zonneveldiae Head 2003

Light to medium brown spheroidal cysts with less strongly coloured processes. Cell wall is smooth to finely ornamented. Processes are solid and taper to fine points. Process base is circular to irregular rectangular with smooth shafts. Processes are circular in shape above their base. Thicker and thinner processes occur on one specimen. Processes mostly of the same length, but occasionally slender short processes may occur. A single process usually arises from each base; but on rare specimens some basis may give rise to as many as three processes. The archeopyle formes a split along a single suture.

Dimensions: central body diameter: 35.5 – 51.0 μm, process length: 6.0 – 10.0 μm.
Motile affinity: unknown.
Stratigraphic range: Late Pleistocene to Recent.

Comparison with other species:
Comparison with other species: This species most closely resembles Echinidinium transparantum in having relatively transparent processes with subspherical to rectangular bases. E. transparantum has always a smooth cell wall. Process bases of E. transparantum never give rise to more than one process. Furthermore processes of E. transparantum are all of more or less similar height and with more or less the same thickness.