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Modern Dinocyst Key

Cyst of Archaeperidinium bailongense


Cyst of Archaeperidinium bailongense Mertens et al., 2015

Cysts are subspherical, light brown and covered with numerous apiculocavate processes. Wall is granulate. Processes have a narroww circular base with capitate distal ends. Processes are generally of equal length but some smaller processes can be present. Archeopyle is theropylic corresponding to plate 2a.

Dimensions: Cyst body: 38.3 to 50.3 µm diameter, Process length: mean: 6.4 to 10.3 µm, Process density: 4 to 7 processes 10 x 10 µm2.
Motile affinity: Archaeperidinium bailongense.
Stratigraphic range: Recent.

Comparison with other species:
Cysts most closely resemble cysts of Protoperidinium tricingulatum in having a apiculocavate captivated processes. The major difference is the granulate wall and the theropylic archeopyle along plater 2a with cysts of Protoperidinium tricingulatum having a smooth to micro granulate wall surface and an archeopyle along the plate boundaries of 2‘/1a, 2‘/2a, 3‘/2a, 4‘/2a, 4‘/6“, 4’/7“. Cysts of A. bailongense can have processes with different length. However, when the archeopyle is not visible, both species can not be separated by light-microscope.