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Organische Geochemie

DARCLIFE - Work package 3: Innovation in structural and isotopic analysis of complex lipids


Work package 3 “Innovation in structural and isotopic analysis of complex lipids” complements the cultivation-independent approaches in work package 1 and 2. It will continuously seek to provide innovative analytical solutions tailored to the specific requirements of DARCLIFE such as analysis of minute quantities of microbial lipids in complex matrices.

In this workpackage, we test, provide, and advance protocols for the structural, quantitative, and isotopic analysis of IPLs in complex environmental matrices and aim to reduce detection limits. Moreover, we test the extractability of cells, prepare authentic standards from archaeal cultures. We aim to chemically identify novel, unknown compounds from Archaea, and to establish robust knowledge of cellular lipid concentrations.

DARCLIFE is organized in five work packages: