
Jaagni Parnami


+49 421 218-65965



MARUM Pavillon, 1060

Jaagni Parnami

Research Interests

  • Glycobiology
  • Carbohydrate-active enzymes
  • Human gut microbiota
  • Protein crystallography
  • Affinity and ion exchange chromatography


Pudlo NA, Pereira GV,Parnami J, Cid M, Markert S, Tingley JP, Unfried F, Ali A, Varghese NJ, Kim KS and Campbell A, 2022. Various events have transferred genes for edible seaweed digestion from marine to human gut bacteria .Cell Host & Microbe,30(3), pp.314-328.


PhD Project

De­grad­a­tion of the mar­ine red algal poly­sac­char­ide car­rageenan by hu­man gut bac­teria

Algal poly­sac­char­ides in the mar­ine en­vir­on­ment provide car­bon for mi­crobes that can scav­enge these mo­lecules with spe­cial­ized pro­tein path­ways. These poly­sac­char­ide de­grad­a­tion path­ways are of­ten not re­stric­ted to one eco­sys­tem but rather ex­changed via ho­ri­zontal gene trans­fer. This al­lows bac­teria from dif­fer­ent en­vir­on­ments to ex­pand their abil­ity to con­sume new poly­sac­char­ides. Hu­man gut bac­teria have sim­il­arly evolved by gene trans­fer to de­grade mar­ine algal poly­sac­char­ides such as por­phyran, agar and al­gin­ate. An­other red algal poly­sac­char­ide ‘Car­rageen­an’ is a re­l­at­ively re­cent ad­di­tion in the West­ern­er’s diet. It is used ex­tens­ively by the food in­dustry as an emul­si­fy­ing agent but it re­mained un­known whether the gut bac­teria could meta­bol­ize this poly­sac­char­ide.

My PhD pro­ject fo­cuses on a hu­man gut bac­terium that has evolved to spe­cific­ally cap­ture, cata­bol­ize and con­sume car­rageenan us­ing a multi-pro­tein mem­brane sys­tem. Since this de­grad­a­tion path­way stems from mar­ine bac­teria, the bio­chem­ical and mi­cro­bial mech­an­ism of car­rageenan de­grad­a­tion in the gut eco­sys­tem con­trib­utes to the un­der­stand­ing of or­ganic mat­ter de­grad­a­tion in the sea


since 2019 PhD Candidate: Degradation of marine red algal polysaccharide carrageenan by human gut bacteria.
2015 - 2018 Masters in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
2012 - 2015 Bachelors in Biochemistry (Hons.), Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.