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Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero

Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero

My name is Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero. I am a Spanish postdoctoral researcher working at the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen. I have a scientific background in Earth Sciences and Geology. I study coccolithophores (small marine haptophyte algae) to reconstruct palaeoproductivity and palaeoceanographic changes at different timescales, with actual links to palaeoclimate and plankton ecology. My current project focuses on the physical and chemical controls affecting extant coccolithophore biogeography in the Drake Passage (Southern Ocean) as well as the calcification responses to recent environmental change.

Since I was 4 years old I decided that I wanted to became a palaeontologist, and later found myself becoming a micropalaeontologist. I joined the multidisciplinary “Once Upon a Time” project in the hopes of passing on my love and passion for “science” to the non-academic public. Storytelling and illustrations are excellent ways to raise awareness of environmental issues (such as climate change, pollution, ocean acidification, resource depletion, etc) that affect kids and grownups alike. By bridging the gap between science and art, future generations will be inspired to understand and protect the environment for the benefit of us all.
