
Es war einmal ... Wissenschaftliche Kurzgeschichten

Chelsea Korpanty

Chelsea Korpanty

As a paleoecologist, I have researched modern, sub-fossil, and fossil marine invertebrate assemblages from temperate seagrass habitats to tropical shallow-water coral reefs to deep-sea coral ecosystems. Currently my research is focused on the taxonomy and ecological analysis of Pleistocene solitary cold water corals from the Northwest Shelf of Australia. These corals were collected in sediment cores during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 356, and they represent the first substantial Quaternary fossil record of deep-sea, solitary corals from the region.

I believe that the more an individual understands their local and global ecosystems, the more they will respect and recognize their role, and ultimately their responsibility, in them. By communicating our science through stories, we hope to simultaneously inform and incite curiosity and excitement in our readers about the ocean and their global environment.
