
Curriculum Vitae


since 02.2018 Prof. Bohrmann's group

- preparation of sensors for seagoing cruises

- implementation of acoustic sensors in the frame of the OOI underwater cable observatorium (USA / Oregon, project accomplished in december 2023)

since 2017 part time Freelancer

- implementation of my diploma thesis (Pupmp and probe Chl Sensor for marine algae) as an commercial sensor.
- development of analog microcontroller electronics for sensors
- development of an optical position sensor for a free running piston in a high pressure cylinder

02.2014 -02.2018 Coastal dynamics gruop

- development, installation and operation of an remote Camera System with LTE data connection, remote control and data link in the outer Weser
- scientific data processing with Matlab
- sensor operation and maintenance
- programming of an logbook-database for the MARUM Coaster
- proposal writing for high resolution optical sensors (3D-Cam, Holographic-Cam, Macro-Cam)

2002-2014 scientific-technical assistant at Marum
- design, hardware implementation and software development of an
computer for an autonomous data buoy for dust sampling
- Technical management AUV Seal
initial operation, maintenance and optimization of the sonar systems
(Reson 7125, Benthos 1644 sidescan, Kongsberg 1007 Singlebeam, RDI DVL)
- Analysis of sonardata and implementation of measures to minimize artefacts
- Optimization of the vehicle with respect to behavior, reliability and data quality

since 2012 Consultancy agreement with Fraunhofer IWES
Consulting for the design of a lidar data buoy

2012 Lecture at the Hochschule Bremerhaven
scientific use of ADCPs; operation and data analysis

2011 Lecture at the Hochschule Bremerhaven
'acoustic 3D cameras' demonstrated with the 'echoscope'

2000-2002 System engineer at OHB System GmbH
Subcontractor management of European subcontractors for a medical project
(EPM) on the international space station ISS / Columbus Module

1996-2000 founding member of Thales GbR / THALES instruments GmbH
Development of scientific instruments and supervisory electronics

1996 Lectures on optical investigations on the process of photosynthesis

1995 Mentoring of an physical practical course at the University of Oldenburg

1992-1994 development of instruments for the supervision of wind power plants


1990 - 1996 Academic studies of physics at the University of Oldenburg
Diploma thesis: Examination of the photosynthetic apparatus of phytoplankton by the use of a modified Pump and Probe-treatment (design and test of an laser-fluorometer)

1984 - 1986 Traineeship for a Informationselektroniker at Hagenuk GmbH in Kiel
Awarded by IHK Kiel and Hagenuk GmbH for one of the best degree in Schleswig Holstein

School education
1987 - 1990 Abitur: Fachgymnasium in Preetz
1979 - 1984 Mittlere Reife: Teodor-Heuss-Realschule Preetz