
IODP/ODP involvement

Since 2005: Head of the IODP group & Bremen Core Repository (BCR) at MARUM, Bremen University

Since 2003: ECORD Science Operator (ESO) Curation & Laboratory Manager & IODP Curator for Europe

2002-2003: Representative of the Bremen Core Processing and Management Group within the interim European Science Operator consortium (iESO)

2002-2003: Member in the Joint European Ocean Drilling Initiative (JEODI) Work Package Group 7 (“Shipboard & onshore laboratory facilities in Europe as part of IODP”)

1991-1994: Assistant in the German ODP office, BGR, Hannover

IODP Expeditions / ODP Legs

IODP ECORD MSP Expeditions

In my role as ESO Curation & Laboratory Manager I was/am heavily involved in scoping, planning, organizing and implementing the following IODP Mission Specific Platform (MSP) expeditions including planning, implementing and hosting their Onshore Science Parties at MARUM - BCR:
ECORD logo

Greatship Maya during IODP Exp. 325 (Great Barrier Reef) (foto: D. Smith/IODP)