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PaleoDataView (PDV) is an open-source software tool for the management and maintenance of larger paleoceanographic data sets. The toolbox has been developed by Michael Langner and Stefan Mulitza funded through the German PalMod Project.

The current version of PDV provides

  • tools for the import and export of proxy data from/to Excel and text files,
  • an import helper for text files downloaded from Pangaea,
  • a zoomable map interface to quickly explore the availability of data in specific regions,
  • calibration of radiocarbon dates against IntCal20 (Reimer et al., 2013), taking custom or modelled reservoir ages into account,
  • visual alignment against standard reference curves (i.e. Lisiecki and Stern, 2016),
  • a map interface for the fast visualization modern ocean atlas values for core sites and the global ocean
  • a direct interface to BACON Age modelling (Blaauw and Christen, 2011).
PDV Main Window

Related publications/presentations

Mulitza S, Bickert T, Bostock HC, Chiessi CM, Donner B, Govin A, Harada N, Huang E, Johnstone H, Kuhnert H, Langner M, Lamy F, Lembke-Jene L, Lisiecki L, Lynch-Stieglitz J, Max L, Mohtadi M, Mollenhauer G, Muglia J, Nürnberg D, Paul A, Rühlemann C, Repschläger J, Saraswat R, Schmittner A, Sikes EL, Spielhagen RF, Tiedemann R (2022) World Atlas of late Quaternary Foraminiferal Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Ratios, Earth Syst. Sci. Data 14, 2553-2611, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-2553-2022.

Mulitza, S. and Langner, M. (2022) Harmonizing foraminiferal proxy data: implications for deglacial changes in global mean sea surface temperature and ocean circulation. PAGES-OC3 Webinar, May 11, 2022.

Mulitza, S. and Langner, M. (2022) Harmonizing foraminiferal proxy data: implications for deglacial changes in global mean sea surface temperature and d18O. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Climate-Geochemistry Departmental Seminar, March 7, 2022.

Mulitza, S. and Langner, M. (2021) Deglacial evolution of foraminiferal d18O: implications for changes in global mean sea surface temperature. PalMod Seminar, November 5, 2021.

Mulitza, S. and Langner, M. (2021) Streamlining the compilation of paleoceanographic data: A tour of PaleoDataView. Seminar GEOMAR, July 29, 2021.

Jonkers, L., Cartapanis, O., Langner, M., McKay, N., Mulitza, S., Strack, A., Kucera, M. (2020) Integrating palaeoclimate time series with rich metadata for uncertainty modelling: strategy and documentation of the PalMod 130k marine palaeoclimate data synthesis, Earth Syst. Sci. Data 12, 1052-1081

Langner, M. and Mulitza, S. (2019) Technical Note: PaleoDataView – A software toolbox for the collection, homogenization and visualization of marine proxy data, Clim. Past 15, 2067–2072, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-15-2067-2019.

Langner, M. and Mulitza, S. (2019) PaleoDataView - Current state and future plans. Geo-Seminar, AWI Bremerhaven, March 3, 2019

Langner, M. and Mulitza, S. (2018) A stand-alone software toolbox for the collection, homogenization and visualization of marine proxy data. PalMod International Open Science Conference, Tech Gate Vienna, 6-8 April 2018

Mulitza, S. and Langner M. (2018) PaleoDataView - Current state and future plans. IPODS-OC3 workshop, Cambridge, UK, 6-9 September 2018

Release notes

-The installer is not distributed with data collections anymore

-To install a PDV collection from an external source (i.e. PANGAEA), unzip and copy the main collection folder to the "PaleoDataView" data folder (usually under "Documents") and select the collection folder in PDV under Menu->Data->Change Collection->Change Working Directory

-Tooltips can be disabled by setting "tooltip=0" (default=1) in the config file "PaleoDataView_Config.txt". Tooltips will be disabled after the next restart.

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