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Dr. Janine Felden




+49 421 218-65598



FVG Ost building (Leobener Str. 2) Room: 0030

Janine Felden

Main Interest

  • Integration of multidisciplinary scientific data into public accessible data bases such as PANGAEA
  • Project coordination and management
  • Investigation of marine benthic biogeochemical cycles focusing espcially on the methane and global carbon cycle
  • Ecology of deep sea ecosystem including cold seep and hydrothermal vent habitats

Research Projects

since 2015 BMBF project German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI
since 2013 DFG programm "German Federation for Biological Data" GFBio
2012 - 2014 EU 7th framework program "EUROpean Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis & INtegration" EuroBasin
2009 - 2012 EU 7th framework program “Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European Seas” HERMIONE
2005 - 2009 EU 6th FP IP “Hotspot ecosystem research on margins of Europe’s seas” HERMES
2005 - 2008 “Methane turnover rates, methane-oxidizing microorganisms and their metabolism” MUMM2

Curriculum Vitae

since 2020 PANGAEA Group Leader at the Alfred Wegener Institute - Helmholtz Center for Polar- and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
2012 - 2019 Scientist; project and data manager at the World Data Center for Earth Science PANGAEA; MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; Bremen University
2009 - 2012 Postdoc; data management in the EU 7th framework program HERMIONE; biogeochemistry and in situ technology; HGF-MPG Group for Deep Sea Ecology and Technology; Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association and Max Planck Institute for marine Microbiology; Bremen
2005 - 2009 PhD; Biology; Max Planck Institute for marine Microbiology and Jacobs University; Bremen
2003 - 2005 M.Sc.; International Max Planck Research School of Marine Microbiology; University of Bremen; Bremen
2002 - 2003 3rd year of Aquatic Bioscience; University of Glasgow, Scotland
2001 - 2003 Graduate Student, Biology; University of Bremen; Bremen
1999 - 2001 Undergraduate student; Biology; University of Bremen; Bremen


  • Ruff, S. E., Felden, J., Gruber-Vodicka, H. R., Marcon, Y., Knittel, K., Ramette, A., & Boetius, A. (2018). In situ development of a methanotrophic microbiome in deep-sea sediments. The ISME Journal. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-018-0263-1
  • G. Mayer, C. Quast, J. Felden, M. Lange, M. Prinz, A. Pühler, C. Lawerenz, U. Scholz, F. O. Glöckner, W. Müller, K. Marcus, M. Eisenache (2017): A generally applicable lightweight method for calculating a value structure for tools and services in bioinformatics infrastructure projects, Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbx140, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx140
  • M. Diepenbroek, U. Schindler, R. Huber, S. Pesant, M. Stocker, J. Felden, M. Buss, M.Weinrebe (2017): Terminology supported archiving and publication of environmental science data in PANGAEA, Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 261, Pages 177-186, ISSN 0168-1656, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.07.016.
  • Donis, D., McGinnis F., Holtappels M., Felden J., Wenzhoefer, F. (2016): Assessing benthic oxygen fluxes in oligotrophic deep sea sediments (HAUSGARTEN observatory), Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 111, Pages 1-10, ISSN 0967-0637, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.11.007.
  • Felden, J., E. Ruff, T.F. Ertefai, F. Inagaki, K.-U. Hinrichs, F. Wenzhöfer (2014): Anaerobic methanotrophic community of a 5346 m-deep vesicomyid clam colony in the Japan Trench. Geobiology, doi:10.1111/gbi.12078
  • Torres-Valdes, S.; S. Painter, A.P. Martin, R.J. Sanders, J. Felden (2014): Data compilation of fluxes of sedimenting material from sediment traps in the Atlantic Ocean. Earth System Science Data, 6, 123-145, doi:10.5194/essd-6-123-2014
  • Felden, J., Lichtschlag, A., Wenzhöfer, F., de Beer, D., Feseker, T., Pop Ristova, P., de Lange, G. J., Boetius, A. (2013): Limitations of microbial hydrocarbon degradation at the Amon mud volcano (Nile deep-sea fan). Biogeosciences, 10, 3269-3283, doi:10.5194/bg-10-3269-2013
  • Boetius, A., Albrecht, S., Bakker, K., Bienhold, C., Felden, J., Fernández-Méndez, M., Hendricks, S., Katlein, C., Lalande, C., Krumpen, T., Nicolaus, M., Peeken, I., Rabe, B., Rogacheva, A., Rybakova, E., Somavilla Cabrillo, R., Wenzhöfer, Frank; ARK-XXVII/3 Shipboard Scientific Party (2013): Export of algal biomass from the melting Arctic sea ice. Science, 339, 1430-1432, doi:10.1126/science.1231346
  • Grünke, S., A. Lichtschlag, D. de Beer, J. Felden, V. Salman, A. Ramette, H.N. Schulz-Vogt, and A. Boetius. 2012. Mats of psychrophilic thiotrophic bacteria associated with cold seeps of the Barents Sea. Biogeosciences. 9:2947-2960.
  • Grünke, S., J. Felden, A. Lichtschlage, A.-C. Girnth, D. de Beer, F. Wenzhöfer and A. Boetius 2011. Niche differentiation among mat-forming, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria at cold seeps of the Nile Deep Sea Fan (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Geobiology 9.
  • Felden, J., F. Wenzhöfer, T. Feseker and A. Boetius. 2010. Transport and consumption of oxygen and methane in different habitats of the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV). Limnology and Oceanography 55, 2366-2380
  • Lichtschlag, A., J. Felden, V. Brüchert, A. Boetius and D. de Beer. 2010. Geochemical processes and chemosynthetic primary production in different thiotrophic mats of the Håkon Mosby mud volcano (Barents Sea). Limnology and Oceanography 55, 931-949.
  • Lichtschlag, A., J. Felden, F. Wenzhöfer, F. Schubotz, T. Ertefai, A. Boetius and D. de Beer. 2010. Methane and sulfide fluxes in permanent anoxia: In situ studies at the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (Sorokin Trough, Black Sea). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 5002-5018.
  • Girnth, A.C., Grunke, S., Lichtschlag, A., Felden, J., Knittel, K., Wenzhofer, F., de Beer, D. and Boetius, A. 2010. Novel, mat-forming Thiomargarita spp. thrive on a sulfidic fluid outflow at the Amon mud volcano (Eastern Mediterranean). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74: A335-A335
  • Boetius, A., T. Holler, K. Knittel, J. Felden and F. Wenzhöfer. 2009. The seabed as natural laboratory: Lessons from uncultivated methanotrophs. In S. Epstein (ed) “Uncultivated Microorganisms”. Springer Verlag, Microbiology Monographs, pp. 59-82.

Research Cruises

Month/YearShip - CruiseResearch Topic - ProjectsArea
04-05/2015RRS James Cook JC120metal-rich nodules - EU Project MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep-seA reSource exploitation)Pacific - Clariton Clipperton Zone
08-09/2012RV Polarstern ARKXXVII-3IceArc (Sea ice - ocean - seafloor interactions in the changing Arctic)Central Arctic Sea
07/2011RV Polarstern ARKXXVI-2“Hausgarten” – arctic deep sea observatoryArtic Sea
10/2010RV Maria S. Merian MSM16/2cold seeps (HMMV); LOOME recovery HERMIONE/ESONETBarents Sea
07/2010RV Polarstern ARKXXI-2“Hausgarten” – arctic deep sea observatoryArtic Sea
11/2009RV Maria S. Merian MSM13/4cold seeps - HERMIONEEastern Mediterranean Sea
06/2007RV Polarstern ARKXXII-1bcold seeps (HMMV) - MUMM2; HERMESBarents Sea
02/2007RV Meteor M72-2cold seeps - MUMM2; HERMESBlack Sea
11/2006RV Meteor M70-2cold seeps - MUMM2; HERMES; MedifluxEastern Mediterranean Sea
06/2006RV Yokosuka YK06-06cold seeps - MUMM2Japanese Deep Sea Trench
04/2006RV Meteor M67-2bcold seeps (asphalt volcanism) - MUMM2; RCOMSouthern Gulf of Mexico
09/2005RV Alkor 267cold seeps - MUMM2; MarTechNorth Sea
05/2005RV Meteor M64-2Hydrothermal vents (Logachev field) - SPP 1144South Atlantic - Midatlantic Ridge