
Research Projects

  • Cluster of Excellence

I work as a researcher within the Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean Floor - Earth's Uncharted Interface” within the Research Unit Receiver. Our objective in Receiver is to investigate the mechanisms that transform, translocate, degrade and preserve biogenic particles within the water column and on the continental shelves in order to fully understand the processes that occur at the deep sea floor and the sedimentary record that is preserved there .

My role within Receiver is to investigate how the processes that occur in the sandy sediments of the continental shelves imprint, alter and degrade nutrients, and organic matter before they are laterally advected offshore to the open ocean and deep sea.

  • DFG Research Group - Dynadeep

Start­ing in April 2021, we will be­gin an ex­cit­ing new phase of our re­search into sub­ter­ranean es­tu­ar­ies be­low high en­ergy beaches in the pro­ject DynaDeep. This col­lab­or­at­ive re­search group is lead by the ICBM and also con­sists of part­ners from the Al­fred We­gener In­sti­tute, Helm­holtz Centre for Po­lar and Mar­ine Re­search in Bremer­haven, the Leib­niz In­sti­tute for Ap­plied Geo­phys­ics in Han­over, the Fed­eral In­sti­tute for Geosciences and Nat­ural Re­sources in Han­over and the Uni­versity of Kiel.

For fur­ther in­form­a­tion see the website and look out for the in­form­a­tion plat­form on Spieker­oog Is­land.