

Em­ploy­ment / Roles

2021 - present Senior Scientist - MARUM, Center for Marine Environmental Research, University of Bremen
2021 - present

Guest Sci­ent­ist - Biogeo­chem­istry De­part­ment

2021 -present

Speaker for the Re­ceiver Re­search Unit in the MARUM Cluster of Ex­cel­lence

2020 - 2021

Postdoc­toral sci­ent­ist

work­ing within the frame­work of the Marum Cluster of Ex­cel­lence "The Ocean Floor - Earth's Un­charted In­ter­face" in the Re­ceiver re­search unit


Postdoc­toral sci­ent­ist

on "As­sess­ment of ground- and pore­wa­ter-de­rived nu­tri­ent fluxes into the Ger­man North Sea - Is there a" Bar­rier Is­land Mass Ef­fect (BIME) "? Fun­ded by the Lower Sax­ony Min­istry for Sci­ence and Art.


Postdoc­toral sci­ent­ist,
Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy;Ger­many


Thesis title:Ni­tro­gen cyc­ling in coastal per­meable sed­i­ments from eu­trophied re­gions.Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy, awar­ded by Uni­versity of Bre­men, Ger­many


MSc Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
The ef­fect of ocean acid­i­fic­a­tion on ni­tro­gen cyc­ling in coastal per­meable coastal sed­i­ments.The In­ter­na­tional Max Planck Re­search School of Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy

2005 - 2008

BSc Mar­ine Bio­logy
Thesis Title:Physiolo­gical re­sponses of the limpet Pa­tella vul­gata to short term hy­per­capnia.Uni­versity of Ply­mouth, Eng­land

Awards and fel­low­ships


PI on DFG Re­search Group "DynaDeep"


Best poster prize, Fifth In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Ni­tri­fic­a­tion and Re­lated Pro­cesses
2008 MBA Prize for best stu­dent in the Ply­mouth Uni­versity BSc Mar­ine Bio­logy class
2007 & 2008

SGM un­der­gradu­ate mi­cro­bi­o­logy prize for schol­ar­ship in mi­cro­bi­o­logy

2007 Royal So­ci­ety of Bio­chem­istry Sum­mer Stu­dent­ship re­search­ing the de­fenses of coral as­so­ci­ated bac­teria against dam­aging free rad­ic­als

Teach­ing ex­per­i­ence

2019 - present

Dir­ect su­per­vi­sion of Farooq Moin Jalalud­din, PhD stu­dent, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy


Dir­ect su­per­vi­sion of Kath­ar­ina Kitzinger, PhD stu­dent, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
10/​2018 - 03/​2019 Dir­ect su­per­vi­sion of Olivia Met­calf and Jan von Arx, MSc stu­dents, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
10/​2017 - 03/​2018

Dir­ect su­per­vi­sion of David Benito Me­rino, MSc stu­dents, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy

10/​2017 - 03/​2018

Co-su­per­vi­sion of Elisa Merz, MSc stu­dent, Uni­versity of Rostock and AWI

10/​2014 - 03/​2015

Dir­ect su­per­vi­sion of Kerry Latham, MSc stu­dent, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy

10/​2014 - 03/​2015

Co-su­per­vi­sion of Chao Peng, MSc stu­dent, Biogeo­chem­istry de­part­ment, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy

Thesis / De­fense com­mit­tee mem­ber for

2020 - Present Thesis com­mit­tee mem­ber for Manuel Ruben, Mar­ine Geo­chem­istry Sec­tion, Al­fred We­gener In­sti­tute, Helm­holtz In­sti­tute for Po­lar and Mar­ine Re­search
2018-2020 Thesis com­mit­tee mem­ber for Niek Storten­becker, Mi­cro­bial Physiology group, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
2018 - present Thesis com­mit­tee mem­ber for Elisa Merz, Mi­cro­sensors, Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy
06/​2016 De­fense com­mit­tee mem­ber, Fre­der­iek-Maarten Ker­ck­hof, Cen­ter for Mi­cro­bial Eco­logy and Tech­no­logy - FBE - Ghent Uni­versity
10/​2015 De­fense com­mit­tee mem­ber, Helen De­cleyre, Dept.Bio­chem­istry and Mi­cro­bi­o­logy, Ghent Uni­versity

Teach­ing activ­it­ies

Since 2013 Lec­turer for MarMic gradu­ate school, Biogeo­chem­ical cyc­ling and global change;Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy

Teacher at Sym­bio­m­ics Field Work­shop, Elba

2012 Lec­turer for early dia­gen­sis for ISATEC M.Sc, Uni­versity of Bre­men
2010 Teach­ing as­sist­ant on a 1 week res­id­en­tial field course;MarMic school, MPI Bre­men