
Black Sea me­tha­ne emis­si­ons

31.05.2022, 12:00

Project description

In this project, we focus on quantifying and visualizing biogenic and thermogenic methane migration pathways within the sedimentary model of the western Black Sea basin. We simulate in-situ biogenic methane generation using various kinetic formation rates as well as thermogenic cracking of organic matter at large depth. Our results suggest that over 45 Gt of methane has been emitted through the seafloor to the water column throughout geological time (98Ma - present). Due to immature state of the main Maykopian source rock facies, the majority of generated and emitted methane has biogenic origin.

Black Sea biogenic me­tha­ne emis­si­ons (30 Ma - present-day)

Black Sea thermogenic me­tha­ne emis­si­ons (30 Ma - present-day)


Work by Rohit Samant (in prep. for pu­bli­ca­ti­on)

Black Sea gas hydrate concentrations (30 Ma - present-day)

Work by Ewa Burwicz-Galerne (in prep. for publication)