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ECORD Training

About ECORD training programme at MARUM

Also for scientists interested in ocean drilling the MARUM is an important hub. At the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR) – one of only three IODP repositories in the world – scientists can train their abilities at an early stage of their career, and pre­pa­re for future participations in ocean drilling expeditions. The trai­ning will be of­fe­red to ear­ly ca­re­er and es­ta­blis­hed scientists from academia and industry from all over the world in­clu­ding non-IODP mem­ber coun­tries, who are in­te­rested in sci­en­ti­fic dril­ling, aim to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a drill­ship ex­pe­di­ti­on, or app­re­cia­te high stan­dards for all kind of co­ring pro­jects. Each year the two-week sum­mer school has a de­fi­ned sci­en­ti­fic to­pic re­la­ted to the IODP sci­ence plan that is re­view­ed by va­rious sci­en­ti­fic lec­tu­res and that also dri­ves the school’s vir­tu­al ship trai­ning pro­gram. The one-week ECORD trai­ning cour­se pro­vi­des a cle­ar fo­cus on the IODP core flow procedures.

field trip - group photo
© MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

ECORD Summer School


2 - 13 September 2024

From Ridges to Flankes to Margins - lithosphere dynamics and connections to global environmental change


Summer Schools

since 2007

ECORD Training Courses


The last ECORD Training Course took place from 13 - 17 March 2023. Due to several events at the BCR incl. the Onshore Science Party (OSP) of Exp. 389 ...


Training Courses

since 2015