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MARUM / GLOMAR Courses 2018

To subscribe to any of the courses listed below, please fill in the respective registration form which can be found on the sub-pages describing the courses.

Courses written in italics are offered in cooperation with one of our partner institutions.

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Course Topic

Lecturer(s) / Trainer(s)

Course Type*

January 18 Good Scientific Practice Prof. Dr. Reinhard X. Fischer
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Dr. Christina Klose
February 21 - 23 Foraminferal Proxies for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions Dr. Heather Johnstone
Dr. Lukas Jonkers
March 2 Doctoral Thesis Workshop - Lifting off Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
GLOMAR research associates
5 - 6 Self and Time Management Sabine Lerch TS
8 - 9 Presentation Skills Sabine Lerch TS
12 - 14 Stratigraphic Methods and Age Models Dr. Torsten Bickert
Prof. Dr. Ges­ine Mol­len­hauer
Dr. Stefan Mulitza
Manuel Pérez Mayo
Dr. Thomas West­er­hold
26 - 27 Introduction to R (software use and code writing) Dr. Pier Luigi Buttigieg BSM
April 4 Scientific Writing for Natural Scientists (Day 1/6) Dr. Rebecca Rendle-Bühring BSM
19 The Science-Policy Interface at the International, Intergovernmental Level Dr. Stefan Hain OT
23 - 27 ECORD Training Course Dr. Ursula Röhl et al. SK
May 4 Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists (Day 1/4) Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
28 - 30 Coastal Dynamics
Part I - Coastal processes and sediment transport
Part II - Anthropogenic drivers of coastal change
Dr. Alice Lefebvre
Dr. Martin Lukas
June 5 An Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning Hendrik Heuer BK
8 Infoveranstaltung zum Quer-/Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt
(From science to secondary school - how to become a teacher in Germany) in German
Expert/innen aus Schulbehörde, Zentrum für Lehrer/innenbildung der Uni und aus der Praxis TS
13 - 15 Stat­ist­ics - An In­tro­duc­tion to Hy­po­thesis Test­ing and Para­meter Es­tim­a­tion (us­ing R) - Part I Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow BSM
20 - 21 Leadership Skills Sabine Lerch TS
27 - 28 Advanced Ocean Modelling Dr. Martin Losch SK
July 11 - 13 Statistics - An Introduction to Hypothesis Testing and Parameter Estimation (using R) - Part II Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow BSM
August 15 Scientific Writing for Natural Scientists (Day 1/6) Dr. Rebecca Rendle-Bühring BSM
22 - 23 Strategic Career and Research Profile Development
cancelled due to low demand
Dr. Beate Scholz TS
September 3 - 14 ECORD Summer School "Sub-seafloor fluid transport and gas hydrate dynamics" Dr. Ursula Röhl et al. SK
12 - 14 IGCP 652 Workshop "“Time-series analysis of paleoclimate signals” Dr. David De Vleeschouwer and others SK
25 - 28 Biogeochemical Oceanography and Climate Dr. Claudia Hanfland et al. BK
October 10 Basics of Science Communication: Writing for the Media and the Public Ulrike Prange PE
22 - 23 Presentation Skills Sabine Lerch TS
29 Doctoral Thesis Workshop - Lifting off
cancelled due to low demand
Dr. Chelsea Korpanty
Dr. Martin Lukas
November 5 - 6 Coastal Dynamics
Part III - Sea Level and Coastal Changes
Dr. Alessio Rovere SK
8 - 9 An Introduction to working with ArcGIS Dr. Martin Lukas BSM
26 - 27 Physics of the Climate System Dr. David De Vleeschouwer
Dr. Maximilian Vahlenkamp
December 5 Scientific Writing for Natural Scientists (Day 1/6) Dr. Rebecca Rendle-Bühring BSM
6 Twitter as a Tool for Scientists Ulrike Prange
Dr. Alessio Rovere
10 A Film Studio in your Pocket - Creating Scientific Short Films with a Smartphone Maike Albrecht PE
*Course types: BK - Basic Knowledge
BSM - Basic Skills and Methods
TS - Transferable skills
SK - Specific Knowledge
OT - Overarching Topics
PE - Public Engagement / Science Communication