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Gashydrat im Meeresboden.
Roboter-Einsatz am Hydrat-Rücken.

Gas hydrate in the seafloor.
Employment of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at Hydrate Ridge.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Gashydrat im Greifarm.
Roboter-Einsatz am Hydrat-Rücken.

Gas hydrate in the steel jaw of the ROV.
Employment of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at Hydrate Ridge.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Gashydrat im Greifarm.
Roboter-Einsatz am Hydrat-Rücken.

Gas hydrate in the steel jaw of the ROV.
Employment of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at Hydrate Ridge.

GEOMAR, August 2000
TV-Greifer mit Gashydraten wird an Bord von RV SONNE geholt.

TV-grab containing gas hydrates is lifted up on board of RV SONNE.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Poröses Gashydrat.

Porous gas hydrate.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Massives Gashydrat.

Massive gas hydrate.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Dünne Gashydrat-Lagen.

Thin gas hydrate layers.

GEOMAR, August 2000
Gashydrat-Sediment Wechsellagen.

Gas hydrate-sediment interbedding.

GEOMAR, August 1999
Brennendes Gashydrat.

Burning gas hydrate.

GEOMAR, August 2000
© GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
© GEOMAR - Helmholz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel