Social events

We aim to intensify communication and networking at ECC by offering a number of social events.
Except for parts of the icebreaker, these events are free of charge.

map with locations

21 Sep 2014: Icebreaker

Harbour-sightseeing tour with MS Hanseat
Duration of trip: 75 min
Costs: 9,90 €
We meet 16:30 at Martinianleger.


After the cruise, you can join us to go by public transport to our informal get together at the University campus.

Get together with vegetarian soup buffet at Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT Bremen).

You also have the opportunity to visit the aquarium at ZMT.

Costs for soup buffet: 7€
Drinks at cost price
Guided tour ZMT aquarium

22 Sep 2014: MARUM outreach, technology and core repository + Dinner

Jana Stone will introduce us to public outreach activities at MARUM and show some of MARUM technologies; Alexius Wülbers will take us to the MARUM core repository where we get a hands on impression of what marine sediment cores can tell us about the history of the Earth´s climate and which marine technology is used during expeditions.

Afterwards: vegetarian dinner in the MARUM foyer

Time: 18:00 in the MARUM foyer; dinner at 19:00

23 Sep 2014: Conference Dinner

Delicious vegetarian dinner at NW1

Sponsored by Lemonaid (fair trade organic lemonade)