The „Operating costs ROV MARUM SQUID“ cover the operational costs for DFG funded projects during an expedition at sea (operation, scientific adaptation, fault diagnostics and repair, mobilization and demobilization, deployment and recovery)."Project related costs for transport" cover the costs for shipping the ROV container from Bremen to the port of departure and back (usage of cranes in port, containertransport 1 x 20‘ ISO Container).

"Travel expenses for the operating personnel" are the expected costs for the flights of the 4 crew member from Bremen to the port of departure and from the port of arrival back to Bremen, as well as expected costs for accommodation based on a daily offer by the corresponding service provider. Travel expenses (Hotel, Passenger transport, etc.) for the crew member will be invoiced after the expedition by the University Bremen in accordance with the current rates of the federal state of Bremen.

Mobilization of the ROV-System onboard the vessel requires two full days. The first day in the port of departure to place the heavy components (ROV and winch). Demobilization after the expedition requires one day in the port of arrival. The time required in port will kept as small as possible.

The operating personnel of 4 crew member cover daily dive operations between 06:00 and 18:00, up to 8h maximum. This timeframe also includes the preparation and maintenance of the ROV-System up to 4h per day. Longer dive times require appropriate compensation of the overtime (time between two dives) or an additional 5th crew member.

Bathymetrical maps that are required for the dive planning and operation should be provided early enough before the dive. Sonar-, or georeferenced maps of the dive-tracks cannot be provided by the ROV crew. The onboard preparation of maps, if necessary for the campaign, must be taken over by a scientific crew member. The preparation of scientific dive protocols during the dives is also the task of the scientific team onboard. Additional tools or payload, that needs to be installed on the vehicle and operated by the ROV, require an application early before the expedition. In that respect, close coordination of ROV operators and ROV user prior to shipping of the system is necessary. Due dates will announced in the process.

Copyright of the acquired underwater videos and images remain at MARUM, University Bremen. A copyright and user agreement needs to be signed before the campaign. The agreement ensures the access to the material for scientific purposes during and after the expedition and furthermore, sets the rules for the usage in press releases and for public relations. Data, videos and images will be provided for the chief scientist onboard after each dive. Copies of the collected material will not be made onboard. A video of the most important underwater scenes of the expedition will be provided after the cruise, if time allows. Copies of the collected material after the expedition can be made in the MARUM videolab in Bremen, after agreement on date and depending on the available personal resources.