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News 2016

Showing 25-32 of 40 items.

Apr 28, 2016

Videoblog from the METEOR

A team led by chief scientist Nicole Dubilier studies deep-sea hot springs on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge called hydrothermal vents. The submersible vehicle ... +

Apr 28, 2016

Future Day at MARUM

A day in April was dedicated to young people to provide them with information on job perspectives. Eighth graders from the Oberschule Schaumburger Straße ... +

Apr 26, 2016

Sea ice at the North Pole

An international team of researchers analyzed sediment samples from the Lomonossow Ridge and were able to show that the central Arctic was ice-free in ... +

Apr 26, 2016

MARUM Research Award

This year’s "MARUM Research Award for Marine Sciences" is awarded to Dr. Felix Elling and Dr. Ferdinand Oberle for their PhD dissertations, and to Tom ... +

Mar 29, 2016

With RV SONNE off New Zealand

From March 27th until April 4th MARUM scientists are on expedition onboard the research vessel SONNE off the coast of New Zealand to study submarine ... +

Mar 23, 2016

RV SONNE in New Zealand

On March 22nd New Zealand Economic Minister Steven Joyce visited the German research vessel SONNE, which is currently moored in Wellington Harbour. ... +

Mar 6, 2016

ECORD Training Course

Professorin Monika Rhein geehrt
Für ihre hervorragenden Arbeiten über Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Wasserzirkulation im Atlantik und ihre führende Rolle beim ... +

Mar 3, 2016

New video on MARUM TV

“The Labrador Experience” documents an exciting field trip of an international group of PhD students to the Torngat Mountains National Park, Northern ... +