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News 2012

Showing 57-64 of 82 items.

Jun 4, 2012

Environmental Week

On June 5th and 6th Federal President Joachim Gauck is patron of the “Environmental Week” which takes places in the park of his official residence, ... +

May 29, 2012

MS Wissenschaft

Today the exhibition barge „Wissenschaft“ starts the 2012 tour. The exhibition covers our “Future Earth” and comprises an exhibit provided by MARUM on sea ... +

May 27, 2012

MeBo drilling record set!

During the current cruise on board RV SONNE the expedition team led by Dr. Mahyar Mohtadi set a new record. With the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo the ... +

May 7, 2012

World Expo Korea

On May 12 the World Expo on “The Living Ocean and Coast” in South Korea will be opened. MARUM contributed HD video material to support the highlight of the ... +

May 7, 2012

Tracing the Tohoku Earthquake

During a media conference that took place at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna on April 25 Prof. Gerold Wefer and colleagues reported about a recent ... +

Apr 12, 2012

COOPEUS – A new EU project

The new EU project COOPEUS aims at fostering and perpetuating the cooperation between the US and the EU in the field of environmental research. The ... +

Apr 9, 2012

SONNE expedition successfully completed

The expedition of the German research vessel SONNE in the area of the Tohoku earthquake came to an end in the port of Yokohama last Saturday. A nationwide ... +

Apr 4, 2012

Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise

New findings regarding a dramatic sea-level rise at the onset of the last deglaciation about 14,600 ago have recently been published by members ... +