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News 2012

Showing 49-56 of 82 items.

Jul 15, 2012

Science Barge in Bremen

From July 23 – 25 the Science Barge will visit Bremen. It presents the interactive exhibition “Future Earth”, which deals with research in the context of a ... +

Jul 5, 2012

Tracing the Tohoku Earthquake

Earlier this year MARUM scientists investigated the seabed off Japan. Two new videos are now available on YouTube and offer impressions of this cruise on ... +

Jul 5, 2012

New Professorship Palaeoceanography

On July 1st Prof. Heiko Pälike joined the MARUM team. Until then he had worked at the University of Southampton. At Bremen University the geoscientist ... +

Jul 2, 2012


Last week, MARUM scientists onboard the research vessel SONNE drilled side-by-side with the Japanese drilling vessel CHIKYU into active mud volcanoes in ... +

Jul 1, 2012

Wirtschaftsempfang 2012

On June, 27th, the Bremen Chamber of Commerce presented this year’s economy welcome at the MARUM. About 450 guests listened to the lecture held by Dr. ... +

Jun 28, 2012

INTERCOAST Paper publiziert

Firoz Badesab, Doktorand am INTERCOAST, einem deutsch-neuseeländischen Graduiertenkolleg, hat sein erstes Paper publiziert. Darin geht es um die ... +

Jun 27, 2012

Kooperation mit National Geographic

Das Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung KDM und National Geographic haben eine Zusammenarbeit vereinbart. Das MARUM will dazu mit Wissenschaftsfilmen für ... +

Jun 6, 2012

Prof. Dieter Meischner passed away

Prof. Dieter Meischner passed away in the age of 78. Three decades ago the geoscientist took over the role of an adviser in the process of establishing the ... +