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News 2011

Showing 65-72 of 100 items.

May 26, 2011

Stadtmusikantenpreis for Gerold Wefer

Prof. Gerold Wefer is one of this year’s awardees of the “Stadtmusikantenpreis”. With this award people are honored, who enhanced the image of Bremen ... +

May 22, 2011

Honorary doctorate for Wolfgang Berger

On May, 24th, the University of Bremen will award Prof. Wolfgang Berger the honorary doctorate. The international renowned scientist in ocean and climate ... +

May 17, 2011

The Earth under the Sea

MARUM scientists are involved in the new image video of the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling ECORD which is online now. The film presents ... +

May 17, 2011

Excellence Cluster Conference

The 2nd Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate
Research will take place in Bremen, October 4-5, 2011. PhD students and ... +

May 16, 2011

Honourable appointment

Prof. Kai Hinrichs has been appointed as member of the Board of Reviewers of Science magazine. Together with a group of eminent international colleagues ... +

May 15, 2011

Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship

Ira Didenkulova (Tallinn University of Technology) was awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship. Her research fields are marine natural hazards, extreme ... +

Apr 28, 2011

New sources of energy

Again the MARUM-UniSchullabor participated in this year`s Kids-Uni at the University of Bremen. In the workshop on renewable energy the kids could build ... +

Apr 19, 2011

Ocean observatory installed

Together with colleagues from Gothenburg University a MARUM team led by Christoph Waldmann installed an ocean observatory in the Swedish Koljö-Fjord. It ... +