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News 2011

Showing 89-96 of 100 items.

Feb 9, 2011


From February 14th – 20th scientists from New Zealand visit Bremen. They take part in the annual INTERCOAST workshop. On this occasion the Ambassador of ... +

Feb 8, 2011

The Future of IODP

Currently a science plan is being developed for the next phase of ocean research drilling. A milestone on the way to a post 2013 programme was the INVEST ... +

Feb 7, 2011

Arctic Climate History

On Thursday, February 10th, marine geologist Prof. Rüdiger Stein (AWI) gives a talk on Arctic climate history: “100 Millionen Jahre Klimageschichte des ... +

Feb 7, 2011

BIOMARIS Research Award

This year the Bremen based cosmetics manufacturing company BIOMARIS together with MARUM awards a research prize for the promotion of marine research in the ... +

Feb 7, 2011

Science and Art

In the framework of a cooperation between the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study Delmenhorst and the Hamburg based magazine mare the German painter Andreas ... +

Feb 6, 2011

Core Repository for lake sediments

On Friday the 4th February representatives of the University of Bremen and the German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium GESEP signed a cooperation ... +

Feb 2, 2011

Film crew at the MARUM

A WDR film crew filmed the international team of scientists from the ICDP, which currently studies sediment cores from the Turkish Lake Van in the MARUM ... +

Jan 26, 2011

MARUM UniSchoollab at the Roland-Center

Yesterday the MARUM UniSchoollab attended the campaign „Bremen bildet sich“ at the Roland-Center with the workshop “Der blaue Planet”. Together with pupils ... +