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News 2010

Showing 41-48 of 90 items.

Jul 20, 2010

Science and bestsellers

The upcoming edition of the TV science magazine X:enius deals with the question how much serious marine research has been incorporated in Frank Schätzing`s ... +

Jul 8, 2010

Corals record climate changes

Since July 3rd about 30 scientists from nine countries have been analyzing 225 metres of cores containing fossil coral material. The samples will allow the ... +

Jul 1, 2010

Dusty Sahel

Human-induced dust emissions in the Sahel region of Africa have made an important contribution to the overall atmospheric dust load for about two ... +

Jul 1, 2010

IPCC Report No. 5

The IPCC plans to publish its 5th assessment report in 2013. From the University of Bremen and the MARUM, respectively, Prof. Monika Rhein (Ocean ... +

Jun 28, 2010

Summit on Svalbard

The directors of eminent German marine research institutions (AWI, IfM-Geomar, and MARUM) recently met in Svalbard to commonly discuss about a strategy for ... +

Jun 28, 2010

Secrets of the Sea

On the occasion of the Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes Expedition which took place earlier this year the German TV station RTL now aired a report ... +

Jun 27, 2010

Oceanic Lithosphere

« Elements » is a new American magazine for mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology. In the current edition MARUM scientist Wolfgang Bach and co-author G. ... +

Jun 17, 2010

Distinguished Lecturer

Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs has been nominated as Distinguished Lecturer for the correspondent programme of the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling ... +