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News 2010

Showing 33-40 of 90 items.

Sep 13, 2010

ECORD Summer School

All in all 28 young scientists from eight countries are visiting this year’s ECORD Summer School "Dynamics of Past Climate Changes", which takes place at ... +

Aug 25, 2010

The future of ocean drilling

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program seeks comments from the scientific community on the draft of a new science plan that will guide scientific ocean ... +

Aug 12, 2010

Bush Telegraph

Media are still interested in the IODP Great Barrier Reef Expedition. These days Co-Chief Scientist Dr. Jody Webster gave an interview on ABC, the ... +

Aug 11, 2010

Sediment core in hospital

Dr. Till Hanebuth organized a rather exceptional cooperation these days. The geoscientist payed a visit to a Bremen hospital. In a radiological practice a ... +

Aug 2, 2010

Cooperation PANGAEA Elsevier

Elsevier and PANGAEA recently announced their next step in interconnecting the diverse elements of scientific research. Elsevier articles at ScienceDirect ... +

Aug 2, 2010

Bacteria as ecosystem engineers

In the current issue of the magaznie Nature Geoscience MARUM scientist Tobias Goldhammer and his team publish a study about the impact of sulphur bacteria ... +

Jul 29, 2010

MeBo back from sea

On Friday eight containers were delivered at the MARUM work yard. They held the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo which was deployed successfully during an ... +

Jul 26, 2010

Terry Healy passed away

A sad news came from New Zealand. After having suffered from a long and severe disease our highliy appreciated colleague and dear friend, Prof. Terry ... +