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Media Releases 2022

Showing 17-20 of 20 items.
Skeletal structure of tropical reef corals under 20x magnification. A growth interruption, clearly visible in the center of the image, is due to a partial death of the coral colony and could be caused by coral bleaching. Photo: Prof. Dr. Thomas Brachert

May 23, 2022

Corals as climate archives

Unusually well-preserved reef corals from the Geological and Palaeontological Collection at Leipzig University hold a great secret: They allow us to travel ...

White bacterial mats on the seafloor show where fluids seep up through the sediment. Photo: Thomas Pichler, University of Bremen

Apr 25, 2022

Hydrothermal catering

Regardless of the water depth at which they occur, hydrothermal vents are an extreme habitat. The microbial communities that live here adapt to this ...
