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Marine Engineering Geology

Vibro Corer

Geo-Vibrocorer 3000 + 6000 + 9000

Type Geo Corer 3000 + 6000 + 9000
Maximum weight in air 1000-1200 kg
Total height 7,4 m (6 m core barrel)
4,5 m (3 m core barrel)
Footprint base frame Diameter 10.4 m (9 m core barrel)
Diameter 4.7 m (6 m core barrel)
Diameter 3.2 m (3 m core barrel)
Vibro motor
Vibrating frequency 28 Hz
Core barrel Length: 6 m or 3 m
Sample diameter 10,5 cm
Operational depth 300 m for Geo-Corer

The Geo-Corer 3000 + 6000 is a high frequency (28 Hz),
electrically driven vibrocoring system. It can penetrate fast
(thereby enhancing the quality of the core) into all
common unconsolidated sediments, including compact
sands and stiff clays, and even unconsolidated chalk.


Operation: in cooperation with MARUM/University Bremen, working group Marine Engineering Geology and GmbH

Property of: GmbH