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Academic Career

Matthias Zabel

2015 - ...Head of the scientifically independent MARUM group Sediment Geochemistry
2006 - ...Permanent position as senior scientist at Bremen University
2003Professorship (level C3, as a stand-in) at the Dept. for Geo- and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
2001 - 2006Associate Professor (level C2) at the Department of Geosciences – Geochemistry and Hydrogeology, Bremen University
2001Award of the Postdoctoral Degree (Habilitation); Bremen University – Dept. of Geosciences
2000 - 2001Associate Postdoctoral position at the Department of Geosciences, Bremen University
1994 - 2000Assistant Professor (level C1) at the Department of Geosciences – Geochemistry and Hydrogeology, Bremen University
1994Dr. rer nat. (equivalent to Ph.D.); Bremen University – Dept. of Geosciences
1991 - 1994Scientific Employee (Ph.D. Student) at the Department of Geosciences, Bremen University
1991Dipl. Geol. (comparable with M.Sc.); Bremen University – Dept. of Geosciences
1986Start the degree of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Bonn (Germany)