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Marine palynology

For the interpretation of pollen records from marine sediments distribution maps of pollen in surface sediments and of time slices are indispensable. Winds and rivers are important vectors of pollen into the ocean and influence the distribution pattern. Still we mostly find good latitudinal correspondence between the distribution patterns of pollen in marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent.

Modern distribution

Distribution of pollen in marine surface sediments offshore Africa can be found in Dupont & Agwu (1991), Hooghiemstra et al. (2006), Dupont & Wyputta (2003).

Pollen distribution maps
Pollen distribution maps of Alchornea, Poaceae, and CCA in modern marine surface sediments offshore west Africa

Distribution of pollen in the marine sediment of the Namaqualand mudbelt off west South Africa is published in Zhao et al. (2016).

mudbelt surface distribution

Pollen percentages for three groups of pollen.
Orange River discharge: pollen from savanna and wet localities mainly transported by the Orange River (Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Phragmites-type, Typha, Tribulus)
Fynbos s.l.: pollen from Fynbos, Renosterveld en Strandveld transported by SE trade winds (Restionaceae, Ericaceae, Anthospermum, Stoebe/Elytropappus-type, Cliffortia, Passerina, Artemisia-type, Pentzia-type)
Succulent, coastal: pollen from coastal area and Succulent Karoo (Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Asteroideae pp)

Refs to modern distribution

Recent climatic and anthropogenic impacts on endemic species in southwestern Morocco

Zhao X, Dupont L, Chedaddi R, Kölling M, Reddad H, Groeneveld J, Zohra Ain-Lhout F, Bouimetarhan I
Quaternary Science Reviews 221 (2019) 105889

Pollen distribution in the marine surface sediments of the mudbelt along the west coast of South Africa

Zhao X, Dupont L, Meadows ME, Wefer G
Quaternary International 404 (2016) 44-56

Late Quaternary palynology in marine sediments: A synthesis of the understanding of pollen distribution patterns in the NW African setting

Hooghiemstra H, Lézine AM, Leroy SAG, Dupont L, Marret F
Quaternary International 148 (2006) 29-44

Reconstructing pathways of aeolian pollen transport to the marine sediments along the coastline of SW Africa

Dupont LM, Wyputta U
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (2003) 157-174

Mapping of C4 plant input from North West Africa into North East Atlantic sediments

Huang Y, Dupont L, Sarnthein M, Hayes JM, Eglinton G
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 64 (2000) 3505-3513

see also 'Pollen & stable isotopes > Modern distribution patterns'

Environmental control of pollen grain distribution patterns in the Gulf of Guinea and offshore NW-Africa

Dupont LM, Agwu COC
Geologische Rundschau 80 (1991) 567-589

Time Slices

Time slices
Time slice records of the Holocene and last Glacial are given in Hooghiemstra et al. (2006), Dupont et al. (2007), and Dupont (2011).

Orbital scale vegetation change in Africa

Dupont L
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (2011) 3589-6202

Variability in glacial and Holocene marine pollen records offshore from west southern Africa

Dupont LM, Behling H, Jahns S, Marret F, Kim J-H
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 16 (2007) 87-100

Glacial/interglacial changes in southern Africa: Compound-specific δ13C land plant biomarker and pollen records from southeast Atlantic continental margin sediments

Rommerskirchen F, Eglinton G, Dupont L., Rullkötter J.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (2006) Q08010

see also 'Pollen & stable isotopes > Glacials & Interglacials'

Late Quaternary palynology in marine sediments: A synthesis of the understanding of pollen distribution patterns in the NW African setting

Hooghiemstra H, Lézine AM, Leroy SAG, Dupont L, Marret F
Quaternary International 148 (2006) 29-44


Transport is discussed in Dupont (1999) and Hooghiemstra et al. (2006). The latter is a review of earlier studies on pollen distribution in marine sediments of Northwest Africa. Dupont & Wyputta (2003) use wind trajectories to relate pollen source areas to the marine record; Romero et al. (2003) discussed aeolian transport of four consequtive years to a sediment trap moored offshore Cape Blanc (NW Africa).

Modern vegetation in southern Africa and clustered wind trajectories for austral fall
Vegetation of southern Africa after White (1983) and clustered wind trajectories for austral fall (March, April, May) after Dupont & Wyputta (2003).

Late Quaternary palynology in marine sediments: A synthesis of the understanding of pollen distribution patterns in the NW African setting

Hooghiemstra H, Lézine AM, Leroy SAG, Dupont L, Marret F
Quaternary International 148 (2006) 29-44

A north to south transect of Holocene southeast Atlantic continental margin sediments: Relationship between aerosol transport and compound-specific δ13C land plant biomarker and pollen records

Rommerskirchen F, Eglinton G, Dupont L, Güntner U, Wenzel C, Rullkötter J.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 4 (2003) 1101

see also 'Pollen & stable isotopes > Modern distribution patterns'

Reconstructing pathways of aeolian pollen transport to the marine sediments along the coastline of SW Africa

Dupont LM, Wyputta U
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (2003) 157-174

Temporal variability of fluxes of eolian-transported freshwater diatoms, phytoliths, and pollen grains off Cape Blanc as reflection of land-atmosphere-ocean interactions in northwest Africa

Romero OE, Dupont L, Wyputta U, Jahns S, Wefer G
Journal of Geophysical Research 108 C5 (2003) 3153-3174

Pollen and spores in marine sediments from the East Atlantic - a view from the ocean into the African continent

Lydie Dupont
In: Fischer G, Wefer G (eds) Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography.
Springer (Berlin) (1999) 523-546