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Dr. Vera Barbara Bender


Core Repository


+49 421 218-65951


+49 421 218-9865951



MARUM II, 0020

External Profiles: 

Vera Barbara Bender
OR­CID iD: 0000-0002-4331-462X

Short CV

since 07/2016
IODP ESO Data Management

since 06/2012
MARUM GeoB Core Repository Curator

10/2012 - 01/2014
IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Working Group I (The Physical Science Basis), Chapter 5 (Information from Paleoclimate Archives) Chapter Scientist

Ph.D. degree, University of Bremen (Thesis title: From shelf dynamics to shelf export: Evidence from sedimentologic and palaeoceanographic slope records)

10/2010 - 12/2010
Research Stay at the Servicio de Hidrographia Naval (SHN), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Instituto Oceanográfico (IO), Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil

10/2008 - 05/2012
EuroProx Phase III Phd student

11/2007 - 08/2008
Sedimentologist in MARUM Project "Formation and infill of buried Pleistocene tunnel-valleys in the North Sea"

M.Sc. degree "Marine Geosciences", University of Bremen (Thesis title: Evolution of the Galicia Mud Belt from Sediment Cores and Sediment Acoustic Profiles)

08/2006 - 09/2006
Research Stay at National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK

B.Sc. degree "Geowissenschaften", University of Bremen (Thesis title: Mikrofazielle Veränderungen am Mt. Svilaja (dinarische Karbonatplattform, Südkroatien) im Unterapt/ Oberapt – Grenzbereich)

Abitur (University-entrance qualification), Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium, Eisenach (Thuringia)

Maritime painting, unknown artist, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo ©VBBender
Maritime painting, unknown artist, Buenos Aires, Argetina. Photo ©VBBender
National Oceanography Center (NOC), Southampton, UK.
National Oceanography Center (NOC), Southampton, UK. ©VBBender



IODP Exp. 381 (Gulf of Corinth Active Rift Development), DV FUGRO SYNERGY


IODP Exp. 347 (Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment), MPSV GREATSHIP MANISHA


RV METEOR Exp. M84/4 (GALIOMAR III) offshore NW Iberia




RV METEOR Exp. M78/3b offshore Uruguay/ Argentina


RV METEOR Exp. M76/1a+b (PROSA) offshore Namibia


RV POSEIDON Exp. POS342 (GALIOMAR I) offshore NW Iberia


RV SENCKENBERG daily expeditions in the Weser Estuary & German Bight



Peer-reviewed publications

Hanebuth, TJJ, Bender, VB and Nagai, RH (2019) Sediment export dynamics reflecting the Holocene hydrodynamic variability of a high-energy continental shelf system (Southeastern South America). Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 4(3). 312-331. doi:10.12957/jse.2019.45616

Mena, A, Francés, G, Pérez-Arlucea, M, Hanebuth, TJJ, Bender, VB and Nombela, MA (2018) Evolution of the Galicia Interior Basin over the last 60 ka: sedimentary processes and palaeoceanographic implications. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(5). 536-549. doi:10.1002/jqs.3032

Bender, VB, Hanebuth, TJJ and Chiessi, CM (2013) Holocene shifts of the Subtropical Shelf Front off southeastern South America controlled by high and low latitude atmospheric forcings. Paleoceanography, 28(3). 481-490. doi:10.1002/palo.20044 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Bender, VB (2012) From shelf dynamics to shelf export: Evidence from sedimentologic and palaeoceanographic slope records. PhD thesis, Elektronische Dissertationen an der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, Germany. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00102725-15

Bender, VB, Hanebuth, TJJ, Mena, A, Baumann, KH, Francés, G and von Dobeneck, T (2012) Control of sediment supply, palaeoceanography and morphology on late Quaternary sediment dynamics at the Galician continental slope. Geo-Marine Letters, 32(4). 313-335. doi:10.1007/s00367-012-0282-2 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Lantzsch, H, Bender, VB and Hanebuth, TJJ (2009) Holocene evolution of mud depocentres on a high-energy, low-accumulation shelf (NW Iberia). Quaternary Research, 72(3). 325-336. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2009.07.009 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Lantzsch, H, Hanebuth, TJJ, Bender, VB and Krastel, S (2009) Sedimentary architecture of a low-accumulation shelf since the Late Pleistocene (NW Iberia). Marine Geology, 259(1-4). 47-58. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.12.008 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Frenz, M, Wynn, RB, Georgiopoulou, A, Bender, VB, Hough, G, Masson, DG, Talling, PJ and Cronin, BT (2008) Provenance and pathways of late Quaternary turbidites in the deep-water Agadir Basin, northwest African margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(4). 721-733. doi:10.1007/s00531-008-0313-4

Peer-reviewing for

Sedimentary Geology (Elsevier)

Cruise reports

Hanebuth, TJJ and cruise participants (2012) Report and preliminary results of RV METEOR Cruise M84/4, GALIOMAR III, Vigo - Vigo, 1st - 28th May, 2011. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 283. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00102434-14

Hanebuth, TJJ and cruise participants (2007) Report and first results of the POSEIDON Cruise P342 GALIOMAR, Vigo-Lisboa (Portugal), August 19th - September 06th, 2006. Distribution Pattern, Residence Times and Export of Sediments on the Pleistocene/Holocene Galician Shelf (NW Iberian Peninsula). Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 255. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000106825

Krastel, S, Wefer, G and cruise participants (2012) Report and preliminary results of RV METEOR Cruise M78/3. Sediment transport off Uruguay and Argentina: From the shelf to the deep sea. 19.05.2009 - 06.07.2009, Montevideo (Uruguay) - Montevideo (Uruguay). Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 285. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00102533-13