Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Yusuf Awaluddin

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Yusuf Awaluddin about his participation in the International Conference on Paleoceanography in Utrecht, Netherlands from 29 August - 2 September 2016

The 12th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) took place in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This triennial conference is a great event for the paleoceanographic community worldwide to meet and to exchange their ideas. At least 600 scientists attended and took part in this conference. It was a perfect moment to meet your old friends or colleagues and make new one.

Before the conference started, I joined the one-day Pre-ICP workshop in the Individual Foraminifera Analysis (IFA), which was concentrated on the development of various techniques and current methods in the IFA. Many scientists who have been working in this field for years contributed in this workshop such as Prof. Spero, Dr. Marchitto, Dr. Sadekov etc. This workshop was relevant to my current Ph.D. project and it gave me valuable information regarding the IFA.

The conference itself was under a unique scientific format. The oral session was only presented by the invited speakers from a broad aspect of paleoceanography. In addition, besides the poster session, the conference also has Perspective Lectures session which is given by the scientists who have been working closely related to paleoceanography for years. Two of them were more interesting for me; a lecture by Prof. Dickens from Rice University, the USA, and by Dr. Laskar, an astronomer from France.

In the conference, I presented my poster in the session 2 "Paleo proxies: Development, Calibration, and Application". This session was highlighted the recent findings of marine proxies and their developments from polar to tropical region within various time frames. My poster title is "a record of intermediate water temperature and seawater d18O from the western Pacific warm pool over the past 55.000 years based on Mg/Ca of benthic foraminifera". I got some constructive feedback from other scientists who came to my poster presentation.

Besides the scientific programs, the organisation committee had arranged some social events such as an ice breaker, conference dinner, and the unique Paleomusicology Concert. The latter was amazing; it was an event where some scientists performed their musical skill such as choir and played musical instruments in a classical gothic church in Utrecht. The idea was to get all the participants together in a more relaxed and casual atmosphere. Personally, I will recommend this conference for a Ph.D. student who is working in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology no matter what stage his Ph.D. is. Therefore, get ready to go down under, because the next ICP will be hosted in Sydney, Australia by the UNSW. Finally, I am grateful to GLOMAR for financially supporting me for this conference.
in front of my poster

in front of my poster

a perspective lecture by Prof. Dickens

a perspective lecture by Prof. Dickens

Choir performance on Paleomusicology concert

Choir performance on Paleomusicology concert