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PD Dr. Matthias Zabel


Sediment Geochemistry


+49 421 218-65103



NW2-C 2350

External Profiles: 

Matthias Zabel

My Research Interests

I am a geoscientist with a strong educational background in inorganic, aquatic geochemistry. With few exceptions, my work concentrates on the oceans, especially on the ocean floor sediments. My geoscientific work and interests extend from specific biogeochemical process studies to the balancing of benthic cycles on regional to global scales up to investigations on variations of paleoclimate conditions. My main tools are a variety of analytical methods to determine the composition of marine sediments and its pore waters, but also the modeling of complex systems under steady state and non-steady state conditions.

Head of Sediment Geochemistry, a scientifically independant research group at MARUM (more)