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Coastal Dynamics

SNG 20150415


SNG Ems 2014 05 15

Vessel: FK Senckenberg
Dates: 15.4.2015-24.4.2015 (Wilhelmshaven)
Area: Ems estuary
Involved Projects: SD1 / SUSP III / WIMO FM

PI: Marius Becker (MARUM)

Participants: Marius Becker, Eva Kwoll, Gabriel Herbst, Anne Ritzmann, Dennis Oberrecht

The sediment budget of the Ems estuary is controlled by cohesive sediment transport processes, as a result of fine sediment accumulation due to tidal pumping.

In the upper reaches of the estuary the water column is stratified during large parts of the tidal cycle. Strong vertical concentration gradients are found between different types of concentrated suspensions, including fluid mud. Lutoclines develop due to hindered settling and damping of turbulence. Presumably, the hydraulic drag is significantly reduced by the occurrence of fluid mud and the high concentration of suspended sediments in the upper part of the water column.

The aim of the cruise is to obtain information on flow velocities in the high concentration layer itself, in a region above the bed, where the ADCP signal is attenuated and cannot provide information on flow velocities. Additionally, ADV measurements are taken to determine turbulence parameters above the lutocline. We further deploy a sediment echo sounder for a preliminary description of shape and strength of concentration gradients.

Data was collected during stationary deployments at different locations between the storm surge barrier and the weir. In the framework of a joined WIMO project, additional measurements were collected using the survey boat Memmert, operated by the Coastal Research Station (NLWKN).

We would like to acknowledge technical support provided by Christian Maushake, BAW.
RV Heincke
Storm surge barrier at Gandersum
Mud sample
Bed sample showing a thin layer of recently deposited mud
ADCP and SES float
Float equipped with SES and ADCPs
Frame for turbulence measurements
Frame for turbulence and velocity measurements in the bottom layer
Memmert, Coastal Research Station (NLWKN)
Survey boat Memmert, Coastal Research Station, NLWKN
Typical on site weather situation
Typical on-site weather situation