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Peer-Coaching for Doctoral Students - Joining efforts for a successful PhD

MARUM / GLOMAR Transferable Skills Course

offered in cooperation with the Graduate Center of the University of Bremen - ProUB
Dr. Jan Prause-Stamm
Impulsplus, Cologne

Target group

Target group: PhD students in any phase of their PhD project who would like to monitor their own progress within a group of PhD students in a period of 6 months


Course schedule

Kick-off workshop:
23 June 2014MARUM I, room 207013.00 - 17.00
24 June 2014MARUM I, room 207009.00 - 17.00
Follow-up workshop:
24 September 2014MARUM I, room 019009.00 - 17.00
Final workshop:
January 2015exact date to be announced
In between the workshops, you will meet with your team / peer group approximately every other week.


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